Ep 168: Brix Fitness with Robert "Brix" Glover


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Ep 168: Brix Fitness with Robert "Brix" Glover

Episode 168: Show Notes

What does it take to start a successful YouTube channel? And how does that differ from building it once you’ve got it off the ground?

Joining us today is return guest Robert Brix Glover, a health and fitness YouTuber whose first video (which documented his remarkable weight loss transformation) went viral and garnered him thousands of new subscribers back in 2016.

Today that video has over six million views — and it’s not even the most viewed video on his channel! We first had Brix on the podcast back in 2020, where we chatted about his childhood, his weight loss journey, and the inner transformation that changed his life. In today’s conversation, we get into the backstory of how he built his YouTube channel, what he takes into account when choosing his subject matter, and how he plans to take his content to the next level.

We hear from Brix about the lessons that have been instrumental to his YouTube evolution before discussing the details of how you can earn a six-figure income on YouTube as a full-time content creator.

Brix also shares his perspective on creating content that incorporates the people and events in his life, why authenticity is central to his approach, and the transformative effect that his personal version of monk mode has had on him.

If you’re interested in learning more about how to gain traction as a content creator, or if you want to put your ideas out there but you’re not sure where to start, then you won’t want to miss out on this game-changing conversation!

Key Points From This Episode:

  • Background on Brix Glover, his weight loss journey, and his previous interview with Light.

  • How Light’s book, Bliss More, transformed Brix’s meditation practice.

  • Insight into his weight loss journey and how it turned into a personal development journey.

  • Starting an online coaching business and establishing himself as an expert in the space.

  • The genesis of Brix’s YouTube channel and how he got into the YouTube game.

  • Brix’s first video and why he never expected it to go viral.

  • How his audience helped him select topics for his upcoming videos.

  • The serendipitous events that led to Brix going surfing with Casey Neistat.

  • How Casey influenced Brix’s content production style for his vlog and YouTube content.

  • Early mistakes Brix made with his YouTube channel and how they impacted his views.

  • Recent shifts in his content creation process and what he hopes to achieve with it.

  • Tips on how to get traction once you’ve started your YouTube channel.

  • Insight into the financial side of being a YouTuber and how views translate into income.

  • The extensive time and energy Brix typically invests in any one video.

  • How Brix’s new approach to content differs from his past mindset.

  • Why authenticity is a key part of his approach to generating content.

  • The details of Brix’s version of monk mode and how he uses it.

  • Brix’s perspective on creating content that incorporates the people and events in his life.

  • Insight into his strategy for reaching one million subscribers.

  • How your relationship with your audience affects your earnings.

  • Brix’s biggest mistakes and challenges as a creator.

  • Find out what he considers to be his luckiest moment.


“It transformed my entire meditation experience. If I had to sum up how Bliss More took my meditation practice to the next level, it's that. It ended the war with myself during meditation.” — @BrixFitness [0:09:22]


“I knew when I felt that click that this was connected to my purpose here, right? This was somehow connected to me serving humanity in some way.” — @BrixFitness [0:15:31]


“I didn't even understand the concept of speaking things into reality at the time. It was just me speaking from my heart and I made all of these proclamations over my life.” — @BrixFitness [0:16:01]


“I've recently realized that I've spent the last maybe five years, six years making a lot of mistakes when it comes to my video creation process — I get a lot of subscribers, but my views aren't really where they should be, and it's because I was a lazy creator.” — @BrixFitness [0:30:47]


“If you have higher engagement, if people watch your videos longer, then the algorithm is going to push your video, and you're going to get more views. It all kind of goes into the gumbo that creates the success of the channel, but it's ultimately about views.” — @BrixFitness [0:37:02]


“My, I guess, formula for connecting with my audience is my transparency, my vulnerability. I share things that a lot of creators are afraid to share. I think that's why I connect so well with my audience.” — @BrixFitness [0:57:08]


“Healing and growing in front of the world is hard. It is hard. But at the same time, it's something that I'm very comfortable doing.” — @BrixFitness [0:58:50]


Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Robert Brix Glover on LinkedIn

Brix Fitness on YouTube

Brix Fitness on Instagram

Brix Fitness on X

Brix Fitness

Episode 14: Brix Fitness with Robert Glover

Brix Fitness 140 LB Body Transformation

Bliss More

Gary Vaynerchuk

MrBeast on YouTube
Casey Neistat on YouTube

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Light Watkins

Light Watkins on YouTube

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