Ep 190: Learning To Love Midlife with Chip Conley


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Ep 190: Learning To Love Midlife with Chip Conley

Have you ever considered midlife not as a crisis but as a catalyst for transformation? Chip Conley, founder of the Modern Elder Academy, joins me to share a cornucopia of insights on reimagining this phase as a springboard for personal growth. Through a candid recount of his own experiences, we navigate the terrain of midlife's challenges and triumphs, providing you with a fresh lens to view the caterpillar-to-butterfly metamorphosis that awaits.

This episode is a treasure trove for anyone seeking a deeper connection with their creative and purposeful self. As we unravel the true essence of success in writing and authorship, I share my journey with "Travel Light," paralleled by Chip's reflections on "Emotional Equations." We uncover the creative rhythms that lead to meaningful work and the daily practices that keep the muse close at hand. Discover how embracing your inner author could lead to a life of resonance and fulfillment far beyond the allure of bestseller lists.

Join us as we venture into the heart of midlife transformation, discussing how to forge a path rooted in purpose and surrounded by a nurturing community. Chip and I dissect the longevity lessons from the Blue Zones and how they're woven into the fabric of the Modern Elder Academy. From finding your 'tribe' to embracing 'The Great Midlife Edit,' this conversation is an invitation to those standing at the crossroads of change, ready to take that leap of faith into a future brimming with potential.

Key Points From This Episode:

  • Chip Conley discusses how midlife isn't a crisis but a time for transformation and growth.

  • Hear Chip's personal story of overcoming setbacks in midlife, leading to renewed purpose and the founding of the Modern Elder Academy.

  • Explore the analogy of a caterpillar turning into a butterfly, symbolizing the profound changes in midlife.

  • A discussion on how the anti-aging industry impacts our view of midlife, and why we should embrace this phase instead.

  • Learn about the scientific and emotional importance of nurturing friendships during midlife.

  • Hear insights into the deep fulfillment from creating meaningful work, shared through personal experiences in writing and authorship.

  • An honest look at the challenges like personal loss and identity crises, and how these can lead to significant personal growth.

  • How midlife can be a crucial time to pivot and align life with core values, illustrated through inspiring stories like a lawyer becoming a pastry chef.

  • Understanding midlife as a parallel to adolescence, highlighting the lack of support systems and how the Modern Elder Academy fills this gap.

  • Ending with a focus on the importance of community, sharing experiences from the Baja retreats, and emphasizing the role of vulnerability and awe in positive aging.


“When I have a book inside of me that is gestating, I start to dream about it, I start to write notes about it. It's like you're pregnant with an idea. Learning how to become the channel, the conduit, is when I'm at my best with my writing. I feel pregnant and ready to deliver. — @ChipConley [0:09:29]


“Our painful life lessons are the raw material for our future wisdom. Our wisdom book is built from what we learn.” — @ChipConley [0:18:40]


“Midlife is not a crisis; it's a chrysalis. It's a transformational period, where we have the chance to shift our lives and find new possibilities.” — @ChipConley  [0:28:21]


“The first half of your life is about accumulating, and the second half is about editing... It's about letting go of what no longer serves you.” — @ChipConley  [0:37:45]


“Investing in social relations in your fifties is key to happiness and health in your eighties... It's not just a feel-good thing, it's a necessity for a longer, happier life.” — @ChipConley [0:42:10]


Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Learning to Love Midlife: 12 Reasons Why Life Gets Better with Age

Chip’s Blog: Wisdom Well

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