If you’ve heard about the life-changing benefits of daily meditation, such as:

✔️ Improved sleep,
✔️ Being more present in your life,
✔️ Reduced stress levels,

But you don’t seem to be experiencing them, or you’re not sure if you’re meditating correctly, then…

First of all, I know the feeling.

That was my experience in my first four years of trying to crack the meditation code on my own.

Then, I was introduced to a Vedic Meditation teacher back in 2003, and that moment changed my entire relationship with meditation, and consequently, my life!

In a few days, I went from: “Meditation feels like a complete waste of time,” to “Oh my God, how did I not know about this?!”

I started looking forward to daily meditation because it finally felt easy!

My intuition got stronger. My sleep got better. I started having a much easier time not taking things personally. It’s like my life went from S.D. (standard definition) to H.D. (high definition) in all areas.

And that’s what inspired me to travel to India to learn to become a Vedic Meditation teacher in 2007, and start teaching thousands of people from all walks of life how to also enjoy the most deep, profound, and beneficial experiences that a meditation practice has to offer, without the need for apps or guided audio.

If you’re ready to cultivate real (and not imagined) inner peace?

If you’re ready to make meditation into the daily habit that it deserves to be?

You’re invited to join me in Mexico City for one of my two upcoming Vedic Meditation urban retreats.

Since 2021, I’ve called Mexico City home. And this year, I’m thrilled to announce two exclusive chances to join my Vedic Meditation urban retreats:

  • Friday, July 26 to Sunday, July 28

  • Friday, October 18 to Sunday, October 20

What is an urban retreat?

It's a non-residential retreat, which means you’re free to stay wherever you prefer (unlike traditional retreats that house everyone at a single center).

This model is fantastic because it provides the same expert training at a fraction of the cost of residential retreats.

I’ve been practicing and teaching Vedic Meditation for over two decades. I’ve personally worked with thousands of people from all walks of life. And I’ve written the book on how to get the most out of meditation.

In my experience, Vedic Meditation is the simplest and most effective meditation technique available. However, it must be taught in person. There’s no such thing as an online Vedic Meditation course, or a how-to-practice Vedic Meditation book.

And that’s one of the reasons why it’s so effective. Because everyone who learns it has a teacher as well as ongoing support.

The way it works is you come to Mexico City, and we’ll have an opening ceremony with fruit and flowers.

Then, you’ll receive a personalized mantra from me (in private), followed by four sessions over the next two days where I’ll show you how to use your new mantra to settle your mind and body in meditation, and get all of the benefits that a daily meditation practice can provide.

No matter how restless or unfocused you think you are, you'll be amazed at how well this technique works to put you in a more relaxed state.

And over the course of the weekend, you'll transition from being a hesitant meditation dabbler to a passionate daily practitioner. You’ll find yourself waking up excited to meditate—imagine that!

I know it sounds unbelievable, but I’ve witnessed this transformation both in myself as well as In thousands of others.

Shortly after the training, you’ll notice your sleep improving significantly. As stress gets managed, insomnia often decreases. Eventually, you’ll begin diving into the deepest, most restorative sleep you’ve had in years.

Balance will return to your life gradually but steadily.

And soon, daily meditation will become as essential as your morning coffee or that first taste of sugar—without the jitters or crash. Instead, you’ll enjoy a heightened intuition and less tolerance for nonsense.

Contrary to popular belief, meditation doesn’t make you soft…

Instead, it empowers you.

Once you start meditating every day, it’s almost impossible to remain in situations that don't match your deserving power, because you can help but see the situation for what it is.

This becomes your superpower!

There are many more benefits, and together they mark a pivotal moment in your life: the shift from guessing what your intuition says to clearly understanding and following it.

You’ll also gain independence from meditation apps and videos. You can meditate anytime, anywhere—just sit, close your eyes, and go.

After meditating, you’ll feel as refreshed as if you'd slept for hours, though it's only been 20 minutes.

Your challenge will no longer be finding time to meditate; it might be to stop yourself from doing it too much!

And though you’ll want to tell everyone, I suggest letting your practice speak for itself. The consistency will make you bolder, and others will naturally become curious about your changes.

Choose from two training sessions:

  • Option 1: July 26 to 28

  • Option 2: October 18 to 20

How the training works

Please arrive in Mexico City by Thursday evening or Friday morning, as the retreat starts Friday evening. And plan to stay until at least Monday morning.

The retreats are held at a teaching space in the beautiful La Roma neighborhood (near Plaza Rio de Janeiro)—ideal for finding a comfortable Airbnb to suit any budget, as well as tons of delicious cafes and restaurants.

We’ll meet for an orientation and opening dinner that Friday night. Then we’ll meet twice on Saturday and Sunday from 10am to noon, and again from 5pm to 7pm.

You’ll have time between sessions to explore the city—although we recommend coming in a day or two early or staying a day or two after the retreat to see all that Mexico City has to offer.

Don’t worry, we’ll also provide you with a shortlist of awesome restaurants and interesting sites to see while you’re here. And we’ll link you up with other participants who may want company while exploring the city.

And we’ll wrap up the retreat with a closing dinner after Sunday evening’s session.

What you will learn during the retreat:

✔️ Exactly what to do when you sit down to meditate. I’ll help you take ALL of the guesswork out of the practice

✔️ The nature of the mind and how to effectively settle your mind in meditation

✔️ How to consistently go beyond your thoughts so that you’ll never struggle with the “monkey mind” again

✔️ The best way to correctly track your progress as a meditator so that you know that your meditation is working

✔️ How to troubleshoot your experiences post-training to become a self-sufficient meditator

✔️ And SO much more!

After this retreat, you will NEVER again have to wonder if you’re meditating the right way.

You will also get the following bonuses…

BONUS #1: Free, ongoing support directly from me (Value: $997)

✔️ You will be able to message me about your meditation for a minimum of 2 years.

✔️ If you have ANY roadblocks or questions about meditation, just shoot me a message and I’ll make sure you never get stuck and always make progress in your practice.

BONUS #2: Access to my private online community exclusively for Vedic Meditators (Value: $597)

✔️ You will gain permanent access to Light’s private online community for Vedic Meditators around the world so that you don’t feel lonely on your meditation journey.

✔️ You will have access to a monthly Zoom call exclusively for Light’s students, where you will be encouraged to ask questions about your experiences and meditate with Light. This ensures you keep making consistent progress in your practice.

✔️ You will gain access to an archive of past meditation talks and support sessions, and search it for answers to questions you may have about your meditation experiences.

BONUS #3: Access to my 108-Day Meditation Challenge for ongoing accountability (Value: $108)

✔️ You will gain permanent access to my 108-Day Meditation Challenge to keep you accountable for your 108 days of meditating, so you increase your chances of consistency a hundred fold

✔️ You will be able to connect with other Vedic Meditators around the world who are also on the challenge and help each other stay consistent.

BONUS #4: You’ll receive over two years of check-in emails from me (Value: $997)

✔️ I will personally send you weekly check-in emails to make sure you continue getting the most from your meditation practice beyond the training, and to answer your questions before you even have them.

✔️ Because I’ve personally worked with thousands of students since 2007, I’m able to accurately anticipate concerns and questions along your meditation journey, and use simple stories and analogies to help keep you motivated and consistent.

BONUS #5: Unlimited FREE future trainings (Value: $4185)

✔️ You will be invited to attend Light’s future trainings as a refresher - for FREE. Wherever Light is teaching his basic meditation training, you are invited to join. 

✔️ Each time you hear the knowledge again, it will sink in even more and you will gain new insights into your practice. You can also ask Light questions regarding your most recent experiences and receive real-time answers during the training.

To sum up…

Here’s all you get:

✔️ My Comprehensive Vedic Meditation retreat, PLUS…

✔️ BONUS #1: Ongoing support directly from me

✔️ BONUS #2: Access to my private community for Vedic Meditators around the world

✔️ Bonus #3: Access to 108 days of accountability

✔️ Bonus #4: Over TWO years of check-in emails from me

✔️ Bonus #5: Unlimited FREE future trainings.

Total value: $8,279

Your investment: $1495 USD

Note: This investment does NOT include accommodation, airfare, daily meals, or excursions.

Early-Registration Discount:

Sign up for the July retreat by Friday, May 10th, and receive a 10% early-registration discount, making your total only $1345 USD.

If you have questions or need more information, feel free to contact Pilar, our retreat coordinator, for a personal consultation.

Wow! I never thought meditation would be able to help me calm down, relax or get rid of toxic people in my life, but it has. I approach situations differently and try to "resolve" conflict peacefully, rather than just "taking off the gloves" and going at it till I win. I am also more focused at work and have found that others have noticed my positive change too.

— Michael S.

Light’s training changed my life. My energy increased, I dropped 15 pounds, and I no longer need medication for a chronic condition.
I switched departments in my current company and received a promotion. Even a few of my friends told me that I'd "come back to life.

— Jared N.

Click here to book over the phone

I feel happier, more alive, less angry, less stressed, and more able to laugh easily. Best thing I’ve ever done for myself!

Ro S.

I decided to try meditation because of high stress and lack of sleep. It has 100% helped me.
Meditation has become critical to my day, it's up there with eating and breathing. I would recommend Light’s course to anyone and everyone!

Nikki B.

I came out of the classes eager to meditate twice a day and I have not only consistently done it, but I look forward to my meditation sessions.

— Nicolas S.

After struggling to adopt a regular meditation practice for years, thanks to Light, I now know why my previous attempts were not successful. I have a deeper understanding of how to develop consistency and I am confident that my new practice will become a vital component of my day-to-day life and overall lifestyle. I have already benefitted in many ways after only 3 weeks - better sleep, less anxiety, and a general feeling of being more relaxed.

— Lara T.

Learning to meditate is a skill that I value almost equally as much as learning to read and write. Meditation has completely changed my life, I used to be on anti-anxiety medication daily and still struggled with anxiety. I have been off of anxiety medication for 3 months after learning to meditate and have been 99% anxiety-free ever since. Light is a wonderful teacher who supports you through your journey, is very responsive, and is there for you when you need him. I have referred a number of people to him who have all had only good things to say about him.

— Lex L.

If you are having thoughts about wanting to learn to meditate from Light take the LEAP and do it! I promise you will never regret it. Light makes the mystical journey of meditation so simple and easy to learn. I can say without hesitation you will learn to meditate and it will change the way you look at the world. I learned 3 months ago and have been meditating 2x a day for 20 minutes ever since. I have had many friends compliment me recently on how calm and relaxed I am and also how great my energy is! Mediation works and Light is an amazing teacher.

— Nick T.

I am grateful that his methodology allows meditation anytime, anywhere. I actually meditated at a Panera Bread and on an airplane last week. Who knew you could do that?

— J. S.

I've spent the last 5 years trying to learn how to meditate. I've read books about it, spent hours on the internet, I've attended group meditation. I could never get it. Everyone says you must do it every day to progress. So I tried this and used to dread that time of the day and try and find any excuse to skip it.

Since completing Light’s 4-day meditation course, I now look forward to the two 20-minute meditations each day. I'm happy to say I'm finally meditating. I feel great, I have more clarity, and I definitely notice the difference day to day.

Light is an amazing teacher he is so clear and makes everything so easy to understand. I'm so grateful to have completed this course, it only took 4 days to learn something I had been trying to learn for 5 years

Jay H.


Who is this retreat for?

I work with both beginner and experienced meditators who are interested in learning how to meditate with ease (without having to rely on apps, guidance, or drop-in studios).

How does this compare to meditation apps and online meditation courses?

Meditation apps are generally devoid of personalized instruction or support. Most apps and online meditation classes offer guided meditation, which is a starter technique. What I teach you is how to meditate successfully on your own (without guidance).

If I already read Bliss More, will I learn anything new in this training?

Yes. Bliss More covers only the basics of meditation, and learning with a teacher is a completely different experience, where you’ll receive tools and insight that are not in any books, including my own. Plus, you’ll get your questions answered, and receive ongoing follow-up support, as well as access to future trainings. All of these are vital to long-term meditation success.

Have you ever worked with someone who couldn't learn the technique?

The training is designed for skeptics and people with busy minds. By the end of the training, everyone gets it. Usually, people who think they are going to be tough cases are pleasantly surprised by how easy meditation feels when they learn and practice the counterintuitive mechanics for moving beyond their busy mind. It's much easier than you think. However, it's up to you to stick with it, so only attend this training if you’re ready to take the leap and commit to improving your life with meditation.

How to know if meditation will work for you?

This is a common question I get, and in the short video below I tell you the reason why there’s a 100% chance that this meditation will work for you if you take the leap of faith and book your spot on the retreat.

Don’t see your question?

Email us at pilar@lightwatkins.com or click here to book over the phone.

Meeting Light was one of many steps which helped re-direct my life towards a more meaningful and rewarding path.

— Jimmney K.

His meditation teachings lead me to a daily practice that I love so much that I change plans throughout my day just to get my meditation in.

— Wendy B.

I'll be approaching my third week practicing the twice-a-day meditation.  It's been...an incredibly intuitive and easy approach to something that may seem so elusive.

It does not compare to using a guided meditation app, which I've tried before

— Carlos V.

After this class, I have been telling everyone that they should meditate.  It is something that you need to experience for yourself because you can't really put into words how the class makes you feel. When Light comes back to Chicago, I know his class will be full!

— Danielle W.

I can certainly say I am sleeping better as a whole, and actually function much better on the days when I don't get as much sleep as many of us would like.

— Marianna F.

I've spent a lot of time dabbling in different types of meditation over the years, but nothing has ever really stuck. I was searching for a technique that would resonate with me about 6 years ago when I lived in Chicago and stumbled upon one of Light's intro sessions. I can honestly say that this has been one of the best investments that I've ever made in my life. You aren't just taking a 4-day course and that's that. You are provided with ongoing support, a mentor, a wonderful community that you can be as involved or uninvolved in as you want, and the opportunity to retake the class at any time in the future. My only regret is not having started 6 years sooner.

— Jennifer J.

Light was extremely adept at explaining how to meditate, the rationale behind each instruction, and the result it would produce. Even though I just completed his class about a couple of weeks ago, I already feel better throughout my days, think more clearly, and am able to better adapt to the challenges that arise on any given day.

— Ben H.

If, like me, you've been using meditation apps to learn to meditate, my suggestion is to just stop and take Light's course (4 days, 1.5 - 2 hrs/day). No matter how good the apps are, there's no comparison to having a talented, expert meditation teacher in front of you to teach you and answer your questions. He takes the frustration out of meditation and gives you the tools to be self-sufficient in your daily practice. After taking his course, I feel liberated and empowered to achieve the benefits I've been seeking through meditation.

— Sharon W.

When I decided to learn mediation from Light, I knew it was going to be life-changing. However, I had no idea how life-changing it would be. Light is patient, caring, insightful, and helpful throughout the entire process. He is so knowledgeable about meditation, the plateaus, the frustrations people have, etc., that he is able to help anyone through those frustrations when they arise and help them understand that it is part of the process. Light helps you let go of the judgments surrounding whether you are doing it correctly or incorrectly

— Caroline G.

Space is limited so book your spot now.

OR click here to book over the phone

PRIVATE INSTRUCTION: I do have a few slots for private trainings. But if you can make the group training, not only is it more cost-effective, but you will get a lot out of hearing what others are experiencing in meditation. Otherwise, you can contact us directly at pilar@lightwatkins.com to get details.